May 3, 2019

PSCAA SEIS results support LNG

LNG site in Tacoma logistics

Final report moves LNG plant one step closer to completion

LNG fact ball, courtesy PSE
The Puget Sound Energy liquefied natural gas (LNG) project slated for construction on the Tacoma Tideflats looks like it’s back on track. The final supplemental environmental impact statement prepared for the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA) was released in late March following months of additional analysis, public hearings and public comment. The report should move the project closer to final permitting and timely completion of the facility.

“We’re pleased, but not surprised, that the final PSCAA report supports the initial findings,” said EDB President and CEO Bruce Kendall. “With this latest milestone, we’re one step closer to bolstering our working waterfront and providing cleaner-burning fuel to enable local companies like TOTE Maritime to remain competitive.”

Read all about it in The News Tribune, or dig deeper by checking out the full PSCAA report.


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