Pierce Transit launches county’s first high-capacity transit line

Workplace transportation programs are good for businesses. Pierce Transit works with organizations to develop transportation programs that help employees improve their commutes.
One example is the new Stream Community Line, a high-capacity transit service offered in partnership with MultiCare Health System that was launched April 1. Stream offers frequent, rapid and convenient service between Spanaway and Tacoma Dome Station. The new transit option will slash commute times, reduce emissions and improve transit access/equity along the Pacific/SR-7 corridor.
Stream complements Pierce Transit’s existing Route 1— the County’s highest-ridership route—offering another option on weekday mornings and afternoons for commuters looking to make a quicker and more direct trip.
Helping businesses find solutions
Pierce Transit offers a variety of free services designed to support transportation programs that work for businesses and their employees, from setting up ORCA business accounts to subsidize transit passes to forming vanpools to providing incentives that encourage smart commutes.
If you’re looking for a workplace transportation program, contact Pierce Transit at 253.983.3792 or CommuteSolutions@PierceTransit.org for more information.
Photo credit: Pierce Transit