May 20, 2020

Seventy-Seven Pierce County Businesses Awarded COVID-19 Relief Grants


RE: Seventy-Seven Pierce County Businesses Awarded COVID-19 Relief Grants

Tacoma-Pierce County, WA – The Economic Development Board for Tacoma-Pierce County (EDB) received notice today from the Washington State Department of commerce that 77 small businesses in Pierce County will be receiving grants to help them respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The grants range from $3,433 to $10,000 and may be used to cover operational expenses such as rent, utilities, and other allowable expenses.

“We are pleased to partner with the state to offer these much-needed funds to companies that are working hard to stay in business and keep people employed during these historically difficult times,” stated Bruce Kendall, CEO of the EDB.

The EDB is in the process of notifying the grantees, which are in 16 different jurisdictions across Pierce County. The companies receiving awards employ no more than 10 people and were draw from a pool of applications made through the EDB. All told, the EDB received 4,054 applications. The grants were approved by the Governor as a part of the Working Washington Small Business Emergency Grant program (WWSBEG).

The EDB worlds to ensure that all Pierce County businesses have access to the resources they need during the pandemic. For a full list of programs available please go to: http://edbtacomapierce.test//covid-19/.


Jacqueline Moffo
VP of Business Development


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