March 27, 2024

Tacoma businesses can tap into talent at the Employ Ability Hiring Event April 4

As of January 2024, the new Tacoma Work Opportunity $1,000 tax credit is available for employers who add a new position and fill the position with an individual with a physical or mental disability. On April 4, Tacoma businesses can connect with this untapped labor pool at the Employ Ability Hiring Event at WorkSource Pierce.

The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of Services for the Blind, WorkSource Pierce and WorkForce Central are partnering to present the disability-inclusive hiring event, which will showcase the valuable skills and diverse capabilities that individuals with disabilities can offer. The day is designed to help job seekers meet directly with potential employers and encourage conversations that may lead to job opportunities.

If your business would like to participate in the hiring event or you have questions, contact Jeannine Chandler, Business Relations Manager, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, at or 206-450-2216.

If you know a job seeker who may want to participate, more information is available here.


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