March 18, 2019

March 2019 Briefs

FREE Educational Forum: Prepare Your Business for Disaster Recovery

April 9, 2019
7:30 am registration
8-11 am program
11 am-noon workshop
Lakewood City Hall

Is your business ready for disaster recovery? An April 9 workshop at Lakewood City Hall will offer tips and strategies to help you prepare for when the unforeseen happens.

Learn how to: build a business continuity kit; develop an operations preparation and recovery plan for machinery and equipment; and help your employees prepare. Attendees will receive information about insurance and funding sources available following a disaster.

The free event is hosted by the Pierce County Economic Development Department, City of Lakewood Economic DevelopmentPierce County Emergency Management and the Washington State Emergency Management Division.

Sumner University Offers Inside Look at City Services

School’s in for Sumner, but without the homework or exams.

Back by popular demand, Sumner University offers free behind-the-scenes tours throughout the city, from the city’s Public Works shop to the Sumner City Cemetery and other city services and projects.

Tours began in February and are scheduled monthly through June.


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