July 21, 2017

John Wolfe Awarded Nat’l, Local Honors

2017 Connie Awards John Wolfe Port of Tacoma Northwest Seaport Alliance

Congratulations to NW Seaport Alliance CEO John Wolfe

John Wolfe is a recipient of the prestigious 2017 Connie Award presented by the Containerization & Intermodal Institute, a national organization that promotes and supports the business of international trade and the intermodal container transportation community. In addition to his visionary leadership, Wolfe was recognized for guiding NWSA’s customer-focused culture and demonstrating how neighboring ports can join together to promote efficiency and economic value. He’ll accept the award in Long Beach, California in September.

Closer to home, in May the Seattle Propeller Club selected Wolfe as its Public Official of the Year. Wolfe was recognized for his outstanding leadership in successfully guiding The Northwest Seaport Alliance, which supports more than 48,000 jobs, generates nearly $4.3 billion in economic activity and produces $379 million in state and local taxes.

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