September 24, 2018

September 2018 briefs

Port of Tacoma celebrates 100 years

This year marks a big birthday for the Port of Tacoma, and celebrating is definitely in order.
The port grew from a vision (and 1918 public vote) to build a bustling and prosperous port on a 240-acre plot on the Tacoma Tideflats, to one of the busiest ports in North America. Today, 29,000 jobs are connected to port activities.
From July through November 2018, “100 years in 100 days” will commemorate the port’s role in the region’s economy and its deep connections to the Tacoma-Pierce County community. The celebration kicked off July 28 at the Tacoma Maritime Fest on Foss Waterway and will wrap up on the anniversary of the November 1918 vote to create the publicly owned port.
Want to join the party? Keep track of special centennial events by following @PortofTacoma on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.
You may also submit your favorite port story to be shared online and in social media.

Have 50 or more employees? The EDB wants to hear from you

Work to compile the EDB’s 2018 Major Employers List is underway. The list includes companies with 100 or more full-time employees working in Pierce County, along small-but-mighty companies with 50-99 FTEs
The EDB relies on accurate data provided by local business owners, executive managers and human resources professionals.
Companies are encouraged to submit their information online.

We got it wrong

In the August electronic version of Teamwork, we announced the appointment of John Rader, director of manufacturing for Shining Ocean, Inc., to the Economic Development Corporation of Pierce County (EDCPC) board of directors. We also misspelled John’s name. We apologize for the mistake.



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