July 8, 2020

Port of Tacoma Launches Online Open House

Port of Tacoma has created an online portal for community education and the public input on the Port’s Strategic Plan.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Port of Tacoma announced its launch of an “online open house” to educate the community and gather the ideas of Pierce County residents on the Port’s Strategic Plan.

This virtual open house, in addition to open virtual meetings, is a way for Pierce County citizens and businesses to stay informed on the current on the plans progress and provide their ideas an opinions. The site even features a survey to invite residents to share. “The feedback citizens provide throughout this Strategic Plan process will provide valuable information that will help the Port Commission and staff complete this important work,“ Port Commissioner John McCarthy said.

The Port’s Strategic Plan process is scheduled to run through the rest of 2020.

Image credit, Port of Tacoma Strategic Plan website

For more information about the Port of Tacoma and the Port of Tacoma’s Strategic Plan, please follow the links below:


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